Šibenski Revicon d.o.o. was created by closing down the PricewaterhouseCoopers office in Šibenik and the company started operating on July 1, 1999. The company is registered to carry out auditing and accounting activities and business and tax consulting. The founders of the company are Radovan Lucić, the director and Asja Polak. The share capital amounts to HRK 2 050 000, 00. The company is a member of the Croatian Chamber of Auditors with the authorization to carry out audit services and other services in accordance with the Audit Act, registered with the registration number of the entity 100000090.
Our audit team consists of 7 employees – 4 certified auditors and 3 auditors. We have more than 25 years of experience in auditing and our quality, in addition to experience, is based on continuing and lifelong education and active membership in professional associations and organizations in the field of auditing and accounting. We are constantly striving for development, which is proven by the fact that from year to year we expand the range of our services, so in addition to the services of our statutory auditors, we offer the services of a certified tax advisor and a certified assessor.
In accordance with the needs of a particular client, we also involve the experts from other fields, whose knowledge and experience, along with ours, lead to the reinforcement and advancement of our clients’ business.
Our clients are small, medium and large enterprises, public-interest companies, non-profit organizations, institutions and natural persons. Our services are provided to clients engaged in the activities of production and processing, construction, wholesale and retail trade, utilities, transport and storage, transport activities and various service activities.